Wednesday, July 13, 2011

11th of July

Can you guess where this T-shirt is from? Yep.

I don't get to shop very often...and when everything wears out (usually at the same time) I go and pick up a few t-shirts or skirts. Usually at the same place. And then I am done.I am also constricted by needing to be able to nurse Thea so one-piece dresses don't work very well. T-shirts and skirts are the most practical.

(To write this post -- 2 days late now -- I had to ignore the kids, hope Thea didn't make for the stairs [note to self: get baby gates back up], and administer two spankings and arbitrate a toy dispute. Sigh. The breadth and intensity in and amongst our children has been nearly unbearable. I go to bed weary, wake weary and feel stretched to the limits of my sanctification, my character. It is hard to remember that though there is constant discord around me, it is the growing up, training up kind of discord. It isn't that my life, that my marriage is spinning out of control. It isn't generating chaos from the center of our life in Christ, it is still real, it is still present and needing to be addressed and even empathized as I mother them, but I don't need to let it come into my spirit and poison it. Dear God, help me. That is sometimes all I can pray lately, "help, please." joy. peace. patience. gentleness. compassion. wisdom)

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