Trip to Camp Wildwood 2008- Part 1
Bass Lake near Grand Rapids, northern Minnesota

Our Cabins: Nancy, Tom and Brian, Kara & Max stayed in one. Brad, Atticus, Dietrich, Bekah, & I were in the other one.
Next year we'll all stay together in one of the new swanky "cabins". It will be so nice to be all together in the same space, but I'll miss the old ones -- They seemed more like what a week in a lake cabin should be plus they were the same cabins that Brad's family has been staying in for over 60 years.
Kim (half the duo who run and own Camp Wildwood -- This is their 10 year anniversary of running it) and one of her daughters let Atticus sit on the 4-wheeler. Nice way to start out the week.
Brad, Dietrich, Nancy, Tom, and Jay (Kim's husband)

My sister Bekah drove up from Chicago-land to spend most of the week with us. It was wonderful. She is so good with the boys and just gives herself patiently and affectionately to them both. I had this weird satisfaction in them being able to hug and kiss her and just really want her with them. I feel like I have never been very comfortable with affection in my family -- especially, inexplicably, with my sister, and somehow my sons giving her this kind of love made me feel so very very happy.
Dietrich who oftens breaks out into gleeful "talking"
Dietrich with his Grandpa Tom

Dietrich with his cousin Max
Look at my boy's smile!

Atticus spent a number of times feeding the ducks. One mother duck and her brood of "teenage" ducklings pretty much lived up by the beach all week.

Max' first time in the Lake
It was wonderful for Bekah & Kara to get to know each other better. I know Bekah enjoyed Kara so much -- but, seriously, who wouldn't (-:
The boy's video the event -- while supervising.

Dietrich's first time in the Lake. His first time in any water other than the bath tub. The water was shallow enough he could walk his feet along the bottom, gliding along. I was impressed with how fast he could get going and loved how much he quietly enjoying gliding around.
We took Atticus for a paddle boat ride. He had so much time playing everyday that anytime he held still for a few minutes, he'd fall asleep.

Atticus adored this playground behind the cabins. There were many kids there this week and he especially charmed all the girls. He played basketball with the other kids and joined in a number of the games they came up with. He was completely in his element and really grew socially/developmentally this week. 
First time he was ever able to climb one of these.
He could do it like a pro after a couple tries.

The traditional walleye fish fry at Uncle Doug's and Aunt Linda's -- They live (year round) in a house on the other side of the lake. This year Doug did some of the fish with cajun spices -- It is now my favorite. And, of course, there were delicious side salads and a sports game finale to the evening (the All-Star baseball game).
With Grandma Nancy who went with Atticus up to the playground and to feed the ducks and to the beach....again and again and again... Atticus ran everywhere he went the entire week.
Bath time
Dietrich and Atticus playing blocks -- together
I LOVE all of these pictures, and it makes me sad that I'm having so many problems with computers (and therefore am having problems getting pictures off of my camera).
Also, because you said such sweet things about me, I'll forgive you for publically posting a picture of me in my swimsuit. :)
Such great pictures!
You have to frame the picture of Brad and Dietrich looking at eachother.
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