Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The (Mis)Adventures of Atticus & Gigi

So today Gigi Deems from down the street came to play. Gigi & Atticus love playing with each other. When Atticus goes to Gigi's house they play with (torture) the white kitten and Gigi dresses Atticus in Princess skirts so they can dance. the Deems also have a cool play kitchen all kitted out -- which is one of Atticus' favorite toys in all the world.

Today, at our house, they decided to color themselves with markers -- and how. Here they have moved their artistic efforts to the easel paper -- much better.

This is a session of spinning and falling over dizzy with sillyness. This shot looks like they know how to dance. (It is also one of their recreational ideas that wasn't destructive or dangerous, so I was able to stop disaster control and prevention and take a few pictures. (-:)

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