Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Some Pretty Things

Felt flower headbands I found via Bleubird blog. You can find them at Pretty Little Things on etsy.

Ace & Jig clothing company...found it via the blog From Me to You.

Amazing felted wool rainbow rug...I can't remember where I found this but there is a very similar one here.

led string lights with "flower" covers made out of egg cartons (diy here)

Dress obsession: Moulinette Soeurs (just about everything they make); Often found at Anthropologie. I WILL master this "Reed" pattern...might take a few years of experimenting with dress-making. But my dressform and me are ready to take it on. I have decided to champion for making the un-dowdy housedress be the old-lady uniform again. Maybe by the time I am 70, I will wear my hair exclusively up in braids and only wear cotton dresses.

Diamond Point Bow Ties are my favorite.

A helpful visual catalog of different types of bow ties from the Cordial Churchman website.

If I magically woke up and looked like Penelope Cruz I would wear this dress with something I have labeled in my brain as Sohphia-Loren-Italian-Summer-Vacation-c.1966- High-Heel Wedges. And red lipstick.
from Giant Dwarf

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