Thursday, February 16, 2012

Carded Spies

So you know when chic bloggers show their family crafts and sewing projects and the photography is so cool and their kids look excited. I am coming to you with no illusions. And a sad ending. The boys, Dietrich actually, said they all needed these billfolds to keep their I.D.s and spy cards safe. I had some craft felt squares sitting in my bedroom next to my sewing machine. They were supposed to be for a sewing project with Atticus but it hasn't happened yet. I cut four rectangles and another 4 contrasting colored narrower rectangles. Then I sewed down the middle and around the side and bottom edges of the smaller rectangle. Then I cut little half circles to make getting the cards out easier. It took about 15 minutes -- 10 minutes longer than the attention/interest-span of the three younger kids (Atticus was at school). Then they were excited for about 5 minutes and all but two of the wallets (that keep randomly floating up to the top but never because they were being played with) are lost. So sometimes I wonder...Anyway, this was a serious attempt at getting a picture of them, but the kids had other ideas.

1 comment:

EricBerget said...

soule mama's got nothing on you or the creativity of your offspring.