Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Dressing Up and Dressing Down and Everywhere In-Between

Okay, so I have never had a girl do dress-up before -- It is pretty. It is fun. And though most of the time she still prefers to put on super capes and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costumes because that is what her brothers are doing, after she received some girl costumes for her birthday, I have had the pleasure, giddy pleasure of seeing scenes like these. Hooray! I love pretty princess costumes and fairy wings. Really!! Though I am not a make-up and high-heels girl I so very much love being a girl! It is fun to have another girl in my home!

Lincoln in between couch gymnastic feats

Dietrich looking like his nearly-clothe-less crazy self

Atticus laying looks and identities. He had the mask down when he walked in -- and said he was dressed as a Evil Flying Robot Rabbit.

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