Thursday, March 29, 2012

More Birthday Lincoln with Grandparents: Part 2

Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Tom came up the day my folks left to also celebrate Lincoln's birthday! They came with us to the boys first swim lesson (swim boot camp at Foss in St.Louis Park -- it has been excellent -- hooray for their talented and fun teacher Grace!!) All FOUR of the kids got to stay up from naps while we went to the Como Zoo that afternoon. They did great! Then Tom and Nancy took Lincoln out on his own to a restaurant for dinner. The next morning Grandma Nancy went to Atticus' kindergarten to visit. He was so excited. Grandma took him back home after school and then goodbyes were said. Such a fun week of Lincoln-Awesomeness! Yay!


Grandpa laughing at Lincon's silliness


Thea Belle and Lincoln loved the koi. Sometimes I am sad that they don't get more time to linger and look and just "be" like the older two were able to have at that age. I know it is part of having a larger family, but I still feel like I stole that from them.

p.s. Thea promptly lost her hairclip when we arrived at the zoo...I usually carry some extras in my pocket but not that day.

They all liked the bears -- Thea Belle was ecstatic. She loves all animals -- chattering away with many unintelligible happy observations. Grandpa was her patient escort, letting her see and chat and look as the older boys sped off to the next exhibit.

This snow leopard was a stoic hoot. We all stood watching him as he took what might be the longest bathroom break ever for very unimpressive results. Then he turned and looked at us haughtily and leapt up into the rock cliffs in his pen. It was pretty funny -- in a junior high boy kind of way.

Happy Birthday, again, Goofball.

...handsome, sweet...

...mischievious, a bit dangerous...

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