Monday, November 22, 2010

Not a Safe Lion, but the Good King

I feel very confused about how to make school decisions for Atticus. I have to choose which schools to tour and I have already turned in my charter school forms to be put in the lottery for the spring. And I have the dates written down to fill out the school choice forms for the other schools. So many decisions about neighborhoods and curricula and how it will affect their friendships, connection to their neighborhood, and anxiety about our deliberate decision not to homeschool and our inability to afford private school for four children. Oh, please help us make the best decision. I want my children to love learning, to love truth, beauty, goodness; to love each other. To love others. To love Christ with all their brain, all their heart, all their might in small things and big things. I want them to find what God has made them to do and to be and do it, be it full-tilt -- joyfully, diligently, efficaciously.


Beth said...

Sounds like you are on the right path to a solid decision! Prayer, prayer, more prayer, crying out to the Lord, prayer, prayer, crying out to the Lord. You get the picture!

Joslin3 said...

It feels like such a huge responsibility, doesn't it? I'll be excited to see where this leads you guys.