Friday, March 30, 2007

Atticus Makes Some Noise

Yesterday we drove up north of The Cities to visit our friend Cindy Waltho. Every couple months Atticus and I go up there for a morning or afternoon and have good conversation and talk about art making (Cynthia is a painter too -- though she has been doing it for a long time and I'm just now learning to work with oils). She is always such an encouragement to me. She's finally in that stage of life where her kids are almost out of college, making good decisions, happy, growing as people...a delight for her to know as now she can use her spare time (she's a professional food stylist by profession) to focus on fine-art creating. And she is a fervent, un-dusty Christian who I know prays for me and my little family and who I know understands how important it is to give oneself to your husband and children and the community around you. So I feel like I have a friend with a perspective farther down the road of life that is a strong woman, a happy woman, a creative woman. And it certainly helps that she appears to have genuine affection for my son -- something that isn't too hard to have considering his flirting, charismatic ways -- especially in the presence of an admiring public (-: He adored the cat (which wasn't really reciprocated -- no wonder, considering Atticus' pulling of her ears, fur and tail...). We even got to watch a colorful array of chickens (one of my favorites -- a plymouth barred rock) and a strutting, flamboyant dandy of a rooster (a bantam?). Right before we left for home, Cindy pulled out a rainstick, a pot, and a wooden marimba and handed Atticus these yarn-ended mallets. He just loved it. And these photos are so funny -- they make him look like a total drummer boy.

How 'bout that wrist-hand technique?

1 comment:

Leah Miller said...

I love Cindy, too!

Looks like you guys had lots of fun.