Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Mom and Dad...

My parents' vacation up in northern Minnesota/Canada was rained/cold-ed out so we we honored to have them stay with us for a couple extra days as they drove back home. Since my dad works Sundays (preaching for his congregation), we rarely get my folks for a long weekend.

Collecting Maple Tree "Helicopters" for the kids to drop over the bridge...


Funny how whenever my parents visit I am constantly trying to see our family through their eyes and incessantly trying to assess their thoughts and opinions of where we are failing or need to do better. Are they having a good time with the kids? Do they need another activity or outing? Do they need some space/rest? Then when the kids are in bed, I try to plan deliberate, substantive conversations -- It is so weird to live far away from important family members. I wish there was a better/more clear way to navigate this. "This" -- all of it.

1 comment:

liz@carpeseason said...

Distance does certainly weirdify the visits, as wonderful as they are!