Sunday, June 05, 2011

Meagan Poppins! or The West Wind Carried Away Our Friend

Since September my wonderful friend Meagan has been coming every Tuesday and Thursday morning to help me watch the children, get my grocery shopping done, sometimes letting me go to doctor appointments, and allowing me more mobility getting Atticus and Isaac M. to and from preschool. From the day she walked into our home she has been a steady, unflappable right-hand woman. She ties shoes, changes diapers, does dishes, folds laundry, plays action figures, cars, reads books, takes the kids to the park, makes lunches, sweeps floors, and has loved my children at every point. I love that she loves families, children, Jesus Christ, her family, baseball, cameras and photography...I love that she is comfortable being quiet or chatting; That she never has to be told to jump in and help -- just sees something that needs to be done and simply does it -- no fanfair. I have never once seen her flustered -- irregardless of the level of chaos ensuing. Ironically, I was reluctant, even resistant, to the idea of hiring help this past year. I think someone coming into your family and basically co-parenting is just so "heavy" and could be entirely awkward and the opposite of helpful. What if our personalities didn't work together. What if I didn't trust her judgement or character or temperament. What if the children didn't like or respect her. What if she had to be told, in detail, every task to be done? What if..? What if...? Just so many variables. But we heard about Meagan through the awesome Priscilla Lundquist of the epic Lundquist Clan of Bloomington (we met at our old church -- All Nations) and after some emails and a meeting, Brad unilaterally made the decision to hire her for at a least a month. Oh my goodness, I had no idea what God had planned. I am so very grateful that God sent exactly the right person to us this year. Thursday was Meagan's last day with us. If my children could be as responsible, servant-minded, diligent, sensible, discrete, kind, gentle, straigt-forwardly-quietly committed to Christ, and just plain decent as Meagan, I will fall down on my knees and thank God.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Are you sure this lady is not an angel? Heb. 1:14Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation? :)
WOW! Praise the Lord. I know how much a mom in your position needs HELP!!!