Sunday, May 15, 2011

Indoor Tropics on a Cold Rainy Day

Spring has been so long in another cold, rainy Friday we went to the indoor gardens at Como Zoo. The kids were great. I never know about outing-decisions -- this one was good. And after an hour or so walking the tropics, the rain lulled and we saw the outside animals too. The strangest part of the outside visit was finding a temporarily lost Lincoln standing on the Polar Bear cage railing -- ferociously and intently, head sideways, with a small group of concerned (and confused) on-lookers gnawing on the iron fencing. I don't know what compelled him to do this, but it required me to call for him multiple times and then shout, "Lincoln! Stop chewing on the fence!" (not weirder than Brad warning Atticus and Dietrich playing "He-Man" in the other room "Hey! Be careful riding Battle Cat! Don't hit Skeletor too hard!" -- Ha!)




A Bonsai forest. These trees were amazing -- none younger than 50 years old!

The boys were suppose to be there for size comparison. They had to do something weird.


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