Saturday, April 09, 2011

Perfect Saturday Morning

This morning we took the kids for a walk along the Minnehaha Creek trail a few blocks south of our house. It is overcast today but warm and hopeful in it's early Spring-ness. It was so so nice to have Brad with me on this outing -- to have two pairs of eyes to watch over everyone. It was wonderful to give the kids time to loiter and trudge through the brush and throw sticks off the bridges. Just a perfect, perfect morning. And this on the tail of yesterday's debacle of a day. I am so thankful for a new day, for the balm of the weekends, for forgiveness and hope. I used to think of time as such an enemy and I am now continually having glimpses of how kind it is for some days to end and a new one to start over all fresh (makes me think of Anne Shirley -- remember, Green Gables fans?)

Lugged my 60+ pound four-seater stroller up out of the basement yesterday. It's a bear but, really, how else are you gonna do four kids with one pusher?

Looks like I'm herding sheep -- but look at the height of that water -- highest I've ever seen it since moving up here. I am actually so glad to see spring water levels up this high -- we've had some seriously dry years of late. Keep thinking how good this'll be for crops and gardens and yards. Nevertheless -- it's a little scary with rambunctious kids being pulled toward it's siren gurgling wildness. I've got a plan for getting them all to swim lessons but I need a couple more years to be able to handle them all together. Until then, I am very, very cautious around water with them.

Oh...I can barely take this...

1 comment:

liz@carpeseason said...

anyone else think that Dietrich looks like he's straight out of Where the Wild Things Are in that last picture?