Friday, July 11, 2014

Wedding Receptions...

A few weeks ago we headed over to Wisconsin to attend the wedding of one of Brad's cousins and the kids did great. Long Catholic wedding, driving to the reception in a neighboring town, waiting at the reception for the wedding party to arrive. Brad's Aunt Caryl had made up activity bags for every kid at the reception -- with fun finger lights and activity sheets and crayons and goldfish snacks. It was so thoughtful. Still, the kids, got a little antsy -- I took them for a tour of the hotel and we played story-telling games in the lobby but then we came back and the kids wanted us to take selfies with the phone. So here you go, Family, funny, silly selfies. I must say it was a lovely wedding and staying the night in the hotel went smoothly and getting up the next morning and getting to swim with cousins and grandpa Tom, and Aunt Kara and Uncle Brian was totally and utterly fun. I love when happy memories happen. So thankful. Congratulations, Andy and Ashley!!! Thank you Aunt Caryl and Uncle Leigh for inviting and including us in the celebration!

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