Monday, November 05, 2012

Carving out Some Time...

It seems as if so many things that should be fun and memorable 9in the good ways) are often much work and fussing and very little fun. Pumpkin Carving has been such for our family. And despite that each year we keep trying. This year we only carved one pumpkin knowing that the squirrels would devour it in about half a day and that it was pretty unlikely any of the kids would want to actually de-gut it. This year Atticus begged me to roast the seeds, so I collected them and roasted them and he wouldn't even try one. Only Thea Belle likes them. But at least Thea Belle likes them. Look how happy everyone looks here -- I think that might have lasted about 10 minutes before things began to unravel. Hm.

Dietrich is super happy.

Atticus drew the face he wanted and I transferred it to the pumpkin.

1 comment:

liz@carpeseason said...

Oh Deke...