Thursday, January 29, 2009

Myth of Sisyphus by Titian 1549

Many of you are probably familiar with the Myth of Sisyphus: "a figure of Greek mythology who was condemned to repeat forever the same meaningless task of pushing a rock up a mountain, only to see it roll down again" (wikipedia). It feels like that is my life right now: laundry, cooking, cleaning, picking up toys, changing diapers, ironing, bathing, making beds, sweeping floors, vacuuming, exercising. Even playing with the boys -- I try building a LEGO tower only to have them tear it down as I build it up. I try building a train track -- they pull it apart. I don't even see any progress with my attitude toward our dog, Atticus' attitude toward his brother, or my attempts to organize and simplify our home/stuff. Just a constant futile push against entropy, inertness, unchanging realities within and without. It could be winter -- my dislike of February leaking into January -- or living in winter-six-months-of-the-year Minnesota (though it never really bothered me before). It could be a lack of sleep (but I've had that for three years now). I may need to pith myself in order to keep functioning in my current role.


Anne said...

Sarah - it does get better. Just this last few months, our boys have started to play together. It also leads to fights, but Nate actually seems to almost "like" Nile. I think that it's a developmental stage, when they get old enough to socialize and empathize.

This too shall pass. I just finished cleaning up number magnets and dominoes for the umpteenth time this week.

Atticus! said...

Thank you , Anne...
It totally helped -- in a twisted way -- to know that I'm not alone and also to have Brad home for the weekend and have him stunned into exhaustion by the extent of the boys manic-ness -- Atticus is in some weird phase where our regular discipline methods have been making no impact at all. AND I have this evil cold that gives me less perspective -- I was able to get lots of sleep this weekend which didn't make the cold go away but certainly has helped my attitude (-: Ahhh.