Monday, September 06, 2010

Atticus' Drawings

Atticus drew this picture a couple weeks before his sister was born. This is me and the dark spot below me is Thea being born. The last few months we have had many conversations about boy and girl reproductive parts -- usually starting with the question: "When will Thea grow a penis?" Yep.

Atticus drew this as a present for Thea. He rolled it up with a ribbon tied around it and put it in the hospital bag. The disembodied smiley face above is me and the stick figure below is Thea.

A camel. And some words. No baby.


kara said...

AAAAHHHHHH!!! I love it all! Also, I'm pretty sure that his drawing of Thea's birth is better than I could do. :)

liz@carpeseason said...

Um, the fact that he wrote what seems like a random "Ryan" next to the camel made me laugh pretty hard.