L'Abri Conference in Rochester, MN

Today we returned from a three-day weekend down at the L'Abri Conference in Rochester, MN. Brad's folks came up to stay with us in the hotel and watch Atticus for us and hang out in the evenings and parts of the afternoons. Our friends, Melody & Cody Oaks, also came up with us to hear the various speakers on Christianity and Film, Societal Patterns, Marriage & Family, Adolescence, Poverty, Politics, History, Sex, Having Bodies, Eating, Feasting, Hospitality, etc.
The first evening we all gathered for chocolate fondue and were planning to stay up talking but were all so tired we didn't make it too much past 10 pm.

Atticus had so much fun walking down the hallways -- long stretches clear of obstacles -- perfect for practicing. We brought a tub of toys and books and Grandma Nancy entertained while Grandpa Tom, poor guy, tried to recover from a very very bad flu. 
Nancy, Atticus, and I visited the nearby Barnes & Noble Saturday afternoon. Of course, Grandma bought him two books -- a John Deere tractor board book with real wheels and a Lift-the-Flap book with furry animals and even a mouse with a working squeaker. Atticus just loves flaps on books. He does them himself now.
Atticus gives kisses now on his own -- they are usually big wet open-mouthed kisses, but melt your heart anyways.
Saturday night we all went out to a semi-fancy Italian restaurant. Atticus was a good boy. I mostly had his meals and timing of the meals planned so he would make it to the end of everyone eating. Lunches were catered by the conference -- we took Atticus with us for those. Evenings we went to a restaurant. It was a precarious, juggling performance but A. is awfully good-natured (though pretty demanding about his food) and so it was good, though exhausting for me.

Sunday morning Nancy and Tom took us to Panera for breakfast before we all took off for our homes. We had a bit of a scare when Atticus grabbed a just-served coffee mug spilling it over his front. Brad and I got his clothes off immediately. Tom grabbed ice and a washcloth. We took a wildly screaming Atticus back to the bathroom. Brad and I decided that it wasn't a critical burn -- I think he was more scared than anything -- and so calmed him down and brought him back to the table to eat our breakfasts. Nancy kept a cool cloth on him until we finished. Shortly thereafter Atticus got excited and laughed so hard he threw his head forward and banged it into the edge of the table. He screamed worse than he had with the coffee. We decided it was time to go on home. Atticus slept all the way back. We checked him when we arrived: His forehead had a red-crease from the laughing incident, but his chest and tummy had nary a red-mark.
We give out a hearty Thanks to our friends Eric & Liz who house-Victor sat for us. We felt good returning home knowing someone had been able to enjoy our house as a retreat of sorts and also that Victor had some company. And having them to eat popcorn with at dinner helped ease us back into our work-week with their good company-fellowship.
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