Friday, July 11, 2014

Pi Pie

So my friends Liz and Eric Berget have a blog called Carpe Season and recently they threw a 10 Pie 10 Pi party inspired by Brad's strange and wonderful brain that came up with the idea -- Liz recounts the tale much better than I can so you should read her post! Anyhoo, I was honored to be able to make one of the pies (a strawberry galette that was totally inspired by a creation adaptation of my friend Vicki Rowley who took the original idea from the blog Smitten Kitchen). And to be able to come to the party where, as usual, Liz brought together many wonderful people from a a whole myriad of sectors of her and Eric's life -- long-time college friends, neighbors known longer and met just that week, Eric's colleagues from the graphic design company where he works, colleagues of Liz from the Somali school she used to teach at -- high schoolers, grown-ups, grandmas, and preschoolers...I love Liz' heart even more than her mad cooking and photography skills! Photo above is Eric's! (All the rest are mine unless indicated.)

Rachel, Liz herself, and Heidi



A particularly nice photo of Brad by Eric (-:

Atticus spent most of the party doing this, of course...


One last photo of the Bergets because they are so cute and because this is such a nice portrait (taken by one of their family members? when back visiting family at Easter-time)

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